Archive for septiembre, 2011

Images of the exhibition: «Metaphores»








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Next Thursday September 29, opening exhibition of paintings, «Metaphore»

Gouaches, watercolors, acrylics with metaphors of yesterday, today and always.

The first exhibition of Alvaro Reinoso (illustrator) and Stéfanie Laupré (colorist) in Barcelona is about 15 paintings and works approximately sheets with various techniques such as fake prints, acrylic and gouache. The place is cozy and well located next to Metro Verdaguer. The first drink is free. I hope!

Publication Series «EL DESEO» in LA VANGUARDIA online.

On September 12 were published with considerable public acceptance.

The series consists of 5 figures to collect the most significant made ​​to the blog of Sylvia de Béjar. ( You can visit the publication: more than 5000 people have done.


More info:








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